Web Hosting

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Web Hosting

Simple, flexible pricing

we offer a range of tailored solutions designed to meet the diverse requirements of businesses and individuals. Explore our customizable options below to find the perfect fit for your needs. Our commitment is to provide you with the flexibility and value you deserve.

Economy Offer


/ Year

based on specific agreements

  • Disk space: 200 MByte
  • Bandwidth: 100/1000 Megabit
  • Monthly bandwidth: 500 MByte
  • Mailboxes: 1
  • FTP users: 1
  • PHP: No
  • MySql Database: No
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Business Offer


/ Year

Based on specific agreements

  • Disk space: 500 MByte
  • Bandwidth: 100/1000 Megabit
  • Monthly bandwidth: 1 GByte
  • Mailboxes: 3
  • FTP users: 1
  • PHP: No
  • MySql Database: No
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Premium Offer


/ Year

Based on specific agreements

  • Disk space: 1 GByte
  • Bandwidth: 100/1000 Megabit
  • Monthly bandwidth: 5 GByte
  • Mailboxes: 5
  • FTP users: 1
  • PHP: Yes
  • MySql Database: Yes
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General Terms And Conditions

The following definitions and conditions regulate the supply and use of the telematic services provided by the profiles described.



Modalità della fornitura

Provision of services

Responsibility for data

Technical assistance and maintenance

Duration of the agreement

Unilateral withdrawal

If the CUSTOMER withdraws from this agreement before its expiry, he/she is still required to pay the entire relevant economic share also for the contractual period of service not enjoyed as a termination fee.The SUPPLIER reserves the right to interrupt the service totally or partially and without notice following serious technical, behavioral or economic defaults by the CUSTOMER, attributing to the same the entire annual cost for the service.The SUPPLIER is required to notify the CUSTOMER 30 days in advance of the expiry of the contract if, in the absence of defects in conduct on the part of the CUSTOMER, it is no longer able, or does not intend to renew this agreement at the end of its expiry. natural.

Furthermore, the SUPPLIER may withdraw from this contract unilaterally AT ANY TIME by means of notice to be communicated via e-mail, PEC, fax or letter to the addresses disclosed by the CUSTOMER. The withdrawal will take effect 30 days after sending the communication. The CUSTOMER will be refunded the amount paid by the same and corresponding to the price for the number of months and hours starting from the validity of the withdrawal to the natural expiry of the contract, any and all other reimbursement, compensation or compensation being explicitly excluded.

Economic fees

The CUSTOMER is required to pay the economic fees in the manner envisaged by the type of service and indicated in the request for service, upon presentation of the commercial invoice and by the date indicated on the same. The CUSTOMER recognizes that any debit of collection and communication costs on the invoice is legitimate.It is the CUSTOMER's responsibility to ensure the regularity of their economic position vis-à-vis the SUPPLIER.In case of late payment beyond the deadline of the tax document, the current late payment fees will automatically be applied; the late payment interest rate for unpaid services is identified as provided for in Article 5 of Legislative Decree no. 321 of 9/10/2002 and calculated 'per day'.The SUPPLIER has the right to vary, by updating the price lists on its website, the increasing prices within the scope of the increase in the FOI index prepared by ISTAT.

Suspension or termination of service

The SUPPLIER has the right to suspend or terminate, without notice, the provision of the service if one of the following cases exists:

  • -The CUSTOMER is in arrears resulting from non-payment of fees and/or activation charges for invoiced services and whose tax documents have expired more than 30 days ago. In this case the reactivation of the service is subject to the extinction of the arrears updated with the current interests in addition to a reactivation fee set at €50.00 + VAT for Web Hosting services and €40.00 + VAT for any names domains expired.
  • -The CUSTOMER takes an active part in attempts to violate the IT systems of the SUPPLIER or third parties through the service made available by the SUPPLIER.
  • -The CUSTOMER constitutes a situation of danger and/or instability following its programming and/or use activities such as to cause damage to the SUPPLIER or third parties.
  • -The CUSTOMER publishes on its web space, explicitly or otherwise, racist or paedophilic content, or links to other sites that contain them.

If the suspension of the service is a consequence of paragraphs (1), (2) the SUPPLIER reserves the right to extend the effects of the suspension of the service to other contractual relationships distinct from the present one, duly established and in place with the CUSTOMER.

By 'suspension' or 'termination' of services we mean the total impossibility - respectively temporary or definitive - to use the services covered by this contract through any means of telecommunications. The 'suspension' or 'termination' of the service will not lead to the immediate destruction of any material present in the services referred to in article 1, material for which - after 30 days from the date of suspension and/or termination of the service – removal from the servers owned by the SUPPLIER and related destruction is deemed authorised. If the suspension of the service is a consequence of paragraph (4), the SUPPLIER will not delete the material present on its servers, but will hand it over to the competent authorities.No request for compensation for damages may ever be made by the CUSTOMER against the SUPPLIER following what is specified in the previous paragraphs.

Competent court

For anything not expressly provided for in this contract, current Italian law applies. Without prejudice to the existence of a different court which is mandatory by law, any dispute that may arise between the parties in relation to the contract governed by these general conditions and therefore in relation to its execution, validity, effectiveness, interpretation, resolution or termination, as well as in relation to any relationship inherent or connected thereto or to any reason to give or take, will be the exclusive jurisdiction of the Court of Verona.

Communications and headquarters CUSTOMER

Any communication relating to the agreement will be made in writing, sent by registered letter with return receipt or certified e-mail to the addresses indicated in the commercial offers or on the website www.infolabdata.it In any case, if the CUSTOMER indicates an incorrect address or does not have normal diligence in keeping it updated, the communications will still be considered successful.

Effective date; application of reconsideration clause

The term from which this contract will be in force between the parties will be deduced from the availability of the service provided by the SUPPLIER to the CUSTOMER through the activation of the requested service. Any subsidiary services to the main one, requested after the activation of the main service, will automatically expire upon termination of the main service.Likewise, the term for the so-called 'cooling off clause' for purchases concluded outside of commercial premises will start from the above deadline, in application of the Consumer Code (Legislative Decree 206/2005), which will apply to 'consumers' in meaning provided by law.The deadline for exercising this right is 15 days from the date of activation of the main service.

Processing of personal data

The personal data provided by the CUSTOMER to the SUPPLIER are processed in accordance with the European Regulation 2016/679 on the protection of personal data (GDPR).This Data Processing Agreement (“DPA”) is stipulated between INFOLAB DATA and the CUSTOMER and defines the terms and conditions applicable to the services offered by INFOLAB DATA (the “Services”).The purpose of this DPA, stipulated between INFOLAB DATA and the CUSTOMER, in compliance with article 28 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR), is to define the conditions under which INFOLAB DATA, as Data Controller and how part of the Services defined in the Contract, is entitled to process, in compliance with the CUSTOMER's instructions, Personal Data as defined in the GDPR. The processing of Personal Data by INFOLAB DATA as Data Controller is not included in this DPA. For the purposes of this DPA, INFOLAB DATA acts as 'Data Controller' and the CUSTOMER acts as 'Data Controller', interpreting 'Data Controller' and 'Data Controller' according to the meaning given in the GDPR.As Data Controller operating on instructions from the CUSTOMER, INFOLAB DATA is authorized to process the Personal Data of the Data Controller as necessary for the purpose of providing the Services.

The nature of the operations carried out by INFOLAB DATA in reference to Personal Data will include:


The type of Personal Data and the categories of interested parties are determined and controlled at the sole discretion of the CUSTOMER. Data processing activities are carried out by INFOLAB DATA for the period of time strictly necessary for the purpose of the Service offered.The CUSTOMER gives his consent to the use of his personal data for the purposes of the execution of this contract also in relation to the activities of third parties essential for the fulfillment and verification of the obligations.The provision of all data relating to this contract is strictly connected to the execution of the relationship, therefore any lack of consent will make it impossible to execute the contractual relationship.For further information refer to:
