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Communicating is essential, communicating well is better. Whether it is a multinational or a local business, Mikroweb offers the best solutions also in the field of marketing, design and creation of creative content . Pay particular attention to positioning on search engines (SEO) and to improving the online visibility of the brand through copywriting techniques and communication strategies, on Google and social networks, studied specifically.
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What is SEO positioning

SEO positioning, or website positioning , should not be confused with the optimization service of a website. The first, in fact, allows you to improve the visibility and position of a website in Google search results (SERP), through the combination of high-level technical knowledge, strategies and hard work.The SEO strategy must be designed during the creation of websites, the main objective of the Positioning Service is to increase visibility and have more visits to the website by users who could become potential customers. As a Web Agency in Verona we can help you with website positioning.

Increase traffic to your site with our SEO activities for website positioning


The SEO consultancy activity begins with the drafting of a complete report and the monitoring of the initial situation of the website. Progress that impacts ranking and conversion performance is subsequently evaluated and recorded. Whether it is a new project or an existing website, we are able to intervene even on the smallest details, evaluating together with the client the elements that work, optimizing the SEO strategy to obtain greater visibility.


Link building is, according to many, one of the most important SEO activities. The main objective is to enhance the website off-site to be positioned through real links with a high trust that lead directly to the pages of the web project. In this way the authority of the site increases, the information takes on more prominence if inserted in contexts consistent with the topics covered. Authoritativeness means good reputation, and consequently better positioning.


Our Copywriters are very creative and create content by optimizing it for search engines (SEO friendly). This makes the texts pleasant to read and, at the same time, helps them to have a good positioning on search engines. Our contents have an edge and are created with care in compliance with very high quality standards, only in this way are we able to give users useful and very effective information for the positioning of the website. Website positioning is also quality and useful content!


We identify the best keywords based on the required area of ​​activity and analyze their effectiveness. We always keep an eye on the search queries (keywords) and the results obtained from them, analyzing the visits generated and evaluating the complexity of the selected keywords. The constant analysis of traffic volume and competitors, in fact, are elements of primary importance for optimizing the website and increasing visits.


Social networks play a role of primary importance in the positioning of a website. When company pages are managed in a manner consistent with Google's requests, they bring significant benefits to the website. Facebook, Google Business, YouTube, Instagram and LinkedIn are just some of the social networks that can represent a source of primary help for website positioning.


SEM (Search Engine Marketing) consists of all those digital initiatives that aim to direct qualified traffic to a website. SEM is usually identified as the sum of paid campaigns or in any case external to the website , contrasting them with organic and internal SEO. In reality, however, the latter still fall within the Search Engine Marketing family.


What is the secret to achieving effective website positioning?

As we have seen, the natural positioning of an (organic) website requires many technical elements and knowledge, but to obtain optimal results the content is fundamental. Content is the King , the wise man said. Topics must be clear, useful and original; they must be easy to read while providing interesting information for the user. Positioning a website organically is a very complex and delicate process, since search terms must be closely related to the contents of an effective website. Everyone wants to appear in the first position on Google but, once you have achieved this, you should never let your guard down! The contents must be constantly updated and made interesting, the texts are the basis of a well-positioned us
Secret to Effective Website Positioning

Transform your website into a mine of contacts!

It is now certain, a good positioning on search engines leads to more contacts. A well-made website allows you to make every single page effective and involves the user, transforming him into a potential customer for your company. Contact us for a no-obligation SEO consultancy .
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